Chennai, A performing arts named "Mutram" from the department of journalism and communication supported by the university of madras conducted a three days workshop on performing arts namely Paraiattam, Kummiattam, Kolllaattam, and folk songs related to Tamil culture with an intention to enhance students to learn and exhibit their talents upon this category of interest. A trainer from Kumari district named parvin had come to give practice for the students. The training was an accountable one because students from mutram put an effort to show their interest in attaining the practice from 7am to 7pm, during leisure’s, they took up the instruments, other stuffs and continued their practice to make it perfect. A student from Mutram while sharing his experience, sounded that," he had learned Mannerly principles and respect towards one another as an artist towards arts and its tools" was a touchable one, when he stated. These hyped Muram team is going to show their performances on the occasion of "world women's day" celebration on march 8, which will be held in the university campus.
very good machan..... contineu ur practice