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Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Anthropological thought of "change" in social context

Changes in life are necessary if not important. Because walking towards a globe, standing in the globe specifies to focus a word globe rather than omit’s to question or to make it clear for you, it doesn’t incite you to arouse your emotional status to question what it really means off. Well, it is relevant to call this moment as part of life. I had seen a better behavior couple days back during my travel, which is more important than mine.“Change is essential” it doesn’t come from within but blooms from the external imitation. Take a bus driver and conductor for an experiment. If bus driver doesn’t respond to the sound of a conductor. Immediately conductor would murmur or complain passengers about the driver, as a fact if bus driver repeats every time then passengers would end up a barrier in reaching their destination. Well, here I would mention the term “Change” again to deliberate how it is important in the context of understanding between one another socially from the above example of driver, conductor and passengers. A week back I called to one of my friend, speaking about our good and bad characters about ourselves. It is to realize and analyze during our 30minutes of conversation, we had praised one another stating kindness, forgiveness and simplicity. At the end I could reflect back our conversation, to understand myself more whether, the words that I had put on my conversation were applicable to be fact or just to applause him. Finally I could conclude it as occult, where I am not capable so, feeling this is how a human can think of. I am worried is not a sentence to be worried but to recap back to understand the weakness of once self. This small piece of understanding would be right path to walk on a change, where we all can grow in a grove of knowledge.  

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