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Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Where is my land?

People say I am belong to the land … do I belong to this land? I am just a species by
mistake…then how can I say I am belong to this land…every one in the world ask for
the land and be proud of the land but never know the history of their life indeed. The
man who live in the slum feels he is belong to the particular destroyed land and at the
Same time the man who live in the well build houses feel that where ever they stay as
their land … it is all a fun but there are people who sound on, we are belong to this
land and we must keep up the land spirit. Here I want to mention that “don’t observe
a person only on where he speaks and stands hence observe him in his every activity
even of his personal life. The person who creates an idea is not a genius he is just as
a person who have come across or cunningly experienced so we can never make a
person as hype as a leader . here the concept of leader doesn’t mean to command over
or demand over but to just organizing it with a good cooperation. The land ownership
too even grew up in this category where one demanded for his life without realizing
about the second person needs in his society and today the land which belongs to
everyone are sold out for the rich who have been eating unity to calamity. We know it
is all at a side how are we going to preserve and safeguard the land? Which is being
gifted to us by the nature. The poison of killing the land ownership is to sacrifice our
selfishness and understating about the land, which in where we live is not our own,
but it is being rented and the land must not be portrayed for any personal reasons...
here we make a oath to help one another and remove our selfishness to say I am proud
to be a human to love one another again.

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